“It takes a Village to raise a child.” DPSCD recognizes the valuable role communities can and should play in the rebuilding of our school District. DPSCD has created School Advisory Councils (SAC), a 19-person decision-making body at the school level, which requires community representation, to increase community involvement in our schools. All SACs are required to host two “State of the School” events within the school community to share and receive information about the performance and needs of the school. SACs meet monthly to engage stakeholder representatives in dialogue around the successes and challenges of the school and to act on the school improvement plan.
DPSCD also has a Faith-Based initiative to ensure that each DPSCD school is matched to a religious organization or in some cases, formally recognize Religious organization which has been working with and supporting schools for many years. In addition to the two above listed initiatives, DPSCD is intentional and open to evolving our work and partnering with communities we serve as it aligns with our commitment to rebuilding DPSCD. We recognize we cannot do this work alone and we invite you to pick up your brick and get involved.